A story of transformation of the network of elected women representatives

The breastfeeding class has baby beds, chairs, baby toys, etc. It has been decided to establish gradually in all wards. People’s representative Mahila Sajanal says that since Dalit Women’s Rights Forum formed the Sajanal, we got a chance to learn a lot. Now we can say everything. They said that we are very grateful to Dalit Women’s Rights Forum Nepal, which teaches us to speak about our agenda of continuous leadership.
Since the establishment of the breastfeeding room, the beneficiaries have been receiving the service. 285 people have received the service from all the four wards. The clients are happy, when they came to the ward, it was very difficult to breastfeed, but now, if children cry, there are many kinds of toys, there is a bed to sleep, and we can take the service with confidence, they say. In the beginning, the clients did not understand the importance of the breastfeeding room. Now everyone has come to know about it.
Women’s Network of Elected People’s Representatives of Kailari Rural Municipality was formed in 2079. There is a network of 18 women members of all 9 wards including 8 Dalit women members. Among the 18 members, some executive members are members of the judicial committee.
What are the rights and duties of women members? They have arranged to hold meetings in all the wards, which hold meetings once every month. Budget for women allocate separate budgets for Dalit women under different headings. 5 lakh budget has been set aside for the Dalit women at the municipal level, and the budget has been allocated targeting the Dalit community in each ward. On their own initiative, 13 cases were registered before the Judicial Committee for Reconciliation of Gender Violence Cases in 2081.

They themselves also understand the problems of women if we do not understand our own problem. In order not to have any problem, breastfeeding rooms have been established in wards no. Because different people come to the ward office, it is difficult for the women with children to breastfeed, there is no place to sit, the baby cries, so that this problem does not raise the ward no 2, 4, 5 and 8 has established the breastfeeding room.